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Showing posts from September, 2021

Crushing On Mariam Bishar

I was a shy boy in highschool. While my classmates talked about the fun things they did on holiday, I never had anything to tell. The closest I ever got to a girl was during a Great Debaters Contest workshop at Moi Girls Eldoret, where a girl from Kabarak Highschool publicly declined to shake my hand. My confidence was crushed. So, apart from Kosy (Chepkosgei), I never talked to another lady. I have never met a beautiful and bold girl like Kosy. While going back to school after a midterm break, she called me, bought me lunch and gave me her number. For someone who had never been approached before, I felt like Rotimi. I have never fantasized like that before. I bet all my Chemistry and Math classes were used thinking about her. Unfortunately, I never made it to  that "lets be friends" league with her.  So most of my highschool life was filled with fear of approaching women.  However, I had a mad crush on Mariam Bishar. I will tell you why. Somewhere in 2015, I was a news reade

Welcome and Let's Try Tinder

  Hi. Welcome to my first blog post. To be honest, after my last relationship with my baby mama, the only other relationship working in my life is between me and procrastination. I wonder why I never miss it when it comes to flirting with a girl in a serious and stable relationships yet getting it wrong in my own relationships. It is so weird how some people are wired. Why would I want to date someone who is already dating? You may ask. And Otile Brown will tell you, "Saa zingine anayekupenda humpendi/unapenda mwingine/anayependa mwingine hata asiyempendaga." And no, I do not have  a baby mama. Ile siku ntapata jiko/gas/stove, you will be the first people to receive the news. In the meantime, let us stay Taliban (this Taliban is somewhere in my mind rent free and it won't go away. Look, if you are reading this in 2027, stay Taliban means never eat omena when going on a date). Enough foreplay. I am not a funny person. In fact, the only closest joke I ever made was giving